For your convenience we have a simple postcode to postcode distance calculator that will give you an approximation of distance mileage and estimate of the cost for your delivery.
Our mileage cost is calculated at Small Van £1.15 per mile
Large Van £1.28ppm
Extra Large Van £1.48ppm
Other vehicles upon request.
(Simply add your postcodes and multiply the mileage given by 1.28 e.g 70 miles x 1.28 = £89.60 plus vat.)
All deliveries are subject to a minimum price of just £35.
Any calculations do not include any additional costs such as tolls, congestion charges or parking.
Postcodes can be the first half of a postcode e.g IP12.
The Postcode calculator is provided by a 3rd party therefore we cannot accept responsibility for any errors or content provided. These are purely for guidance to mileage and costs.
For European deliveries and distances please contact us.
Addison Couriers
17 Hillfield Court
Reydon Southwold
IP18 6RU
T: 01502 725729
M: 07799 625653
Office hours
24hrs 7 days a week
This Weather Widget is provided by the Met Office